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Welcome to Simplified Pet Care – Where Pet Lovers Share Their Knowledge!

At Simplified Pet Care, we believe in the power of community and the collective wisdom of pet lovers. At simplified pet care, you can share your knowledge with our readers. We would to love have you as one of the contributors to our growing community of pet lovers Please Contact Us

Guidelines for Guest Blogging:

Original and Unique Content:
We value originality and encourage contributors to share their unique insights, perspectives, and expertise. We kindly request that all submissions be your own work and not published elsewhere.

Good-Quality Writing:
We expect the articles to be written without any errors and also Engaging that’s why we request you to proofread them before submitting them to us.

Relevant Topics:
We cover different topics in our blog, including nutrition, health, training, grooming, behavior, and more. We welcome informative, educational, and practical articles that provide value to our readers.

SEO-Optimized Content:
While we appreciate creativity, we also aim to reach a wider audience. Therefore, we encourage contributors to optimize their content for search engines. Include relevant keywords naturally throughout your article to enhance its visibility.

Word Count:
We recommend a minimum of 800 words for guest posts but feel free to go beyond that if needed to fully explore your topic. However, please ensure the article is comprehensive and engaging, rather than adding unnecessary length.

Use Subheadings and Formatting:
Break your article into sections with descriptive subheadings to improve readability. Utilize bullet points, numbered lists, and bold/italic text to highlight important information.

Supporting Evidence and Credibility:
When presenting facts, statistics, or expert opinions, provide appropriate references or links to credible sources. This helps to enhance the credibility of your content and allows readers to delve deeper into the topic if desired.

Authenticity and Personal Touch:
Write from your own experiences, sharing personal anecdotes and stories related to the topic when appropriate. This adds authenticity and helps readers connect with your writing.

No Promotional or Spammy Content:
We value your experience and want you to show your expertise but also request you avoid any kind of promotion without discussing it with us. Our focus is on providing valuable information and fostering a supportive community.

Submission Process:
To submit your guest post for consideration, please email it as a Word document or Google Doc attachment to You can include a bio about the author normally 50-100 words.. We will review your submission and notify you within 2 days regarding its acceptance and publication timeline.

Thank you for considering Simplified Pet Care as a platform to share your pet care knowledge. We would love to work with you so that together we can create an energetic community of pet lovers.

Happy writing!

The Simplified Pet Care Team.